One Day Can Change Your Life

Wed, September 21 | 10:15 AM EDT–11:15 AM EDT
Topic: Experience | Knowledge Level: Beginner

Patte O’Connor, BEd, MEd

Patte, who was working at Clemson University in 1984, will talk about her personal encounter with Bill Cosby. Cosby was the main homecoming attraction and as her job, she was responsible for acting as his host. Attendees’ can expect to hear a gut-wrenching story of what happened while spending 6 hours of time with him in a hotel room. In addition, the story itself will illustrate how the dynamics of a person with power and prestige can influence and change the dynamics of an interpersonal exchange between two people. Following her story, Patte will participate in a Q & A session, led by Dr. Celia Williamson, to bring forth how parts of her experience are woven in many women’s own personal sexual assault situations and life in general.

*Trigger Warning: This presentation contains information (written, spoken, or visual) that may be triggering or (re)traumatizing to attendees. *

Presentation Objectives
  • Share her experience to shed light on denial, decisions, implications, and the road to self-love and acceptance
  • Provide encouragement and support to attendees who have had similar experiences
  • Show how using vulnerability and authenticity can help oneself and others
  • Illustrate there is always hope – No. Matter. What.
About the Presenter
Patte O’Connor, BEd, MEd

Patte O’Connor was in the wrong place at the right time in 1984 just as her career was on track with a new job at Clemson University, South Carolina - she met Bill Cosby. Albeit the case, her story proves hard work and determination can bring healing from trauma.